Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Tres ballenas aparecieron muertas este domingo en la playa Skegness, al noreste de Inglaterra. Richard Johnson, de los servicios guardacostas, explicó que probablemente “los cachalotes murieron en el mar y después quedaron varados en la arena. Hemos solicitado a la población que no se acerque a la playa”.
Fotos Reuters
A sperm whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
A sperm whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
A sperm whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
A sperm whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
A sperm whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
A sperm whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
A sperm whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
The lower jaw of a sperm whale is seen as the whale lies on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Two sperm whales lie on the sand after being washed ashore at Skegness beach in Skegness, Britain January 25, 2016. Three dead sperm whales washed up in Skegness on the weekend, local media reported. REUTERS/Andrew Yates
Según el doctor Peter Evans, director de la Seawatch Foundation, los mamíferos podrían formar parte del grupo de doce encontrados muertos este mes de enero en circunstancias similares, seis Holanda y seis en Alemania.
Los animales serán retirados del lugar para su autopsia. De acuerdo al especialista, se perdieron cuando buscaban calamares para alimentarse y se encontraron en aguas poco profundas.
“Todos los años, unos 600 cetáceos quedan varados en las costas del Reino Unido y sólo un puñado, cinco o seis, son cachalotes”, declaró a la BBC Rob Deaville, del Programa de investigación sobre cetáceos encallados, que estudia todos los casos de ballenas, delfines y marsopas en Reino Unido.
El cachalote es el más grande de los cetáceos dentados. Puede medir hasta veinte metros de largo, pesar más de 50 toneladas y está dotado del cerebro más grande del reino animal actual.