Un hombre con machete ataca a militares cerca del Louvre en París

Un hombre con machete ataca a militares cerca del Louvre en París

French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a knife after he tried to enter the Louvre museum in central Paris carrying a suitcase, police sources said. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY


Un hombre armado con “al menos un machete” atacó este viernes a militares al grito de “Allahu Akbar” (Dios es el más grande) cerca del museo del Louvre en París, antes de resultar gravemente herido por disparos, según fuentes policiales.

“Visiblemente” se trata de un “ataque terrorista”, declaró el primer ministro francés, Bernard Cazeneuve.

Hacia las 10H00 de la mañana local (09H00 GMT), un hombre “se abalanzó sobre policías y cuatro militares” uniformados que patrullaban la zona, profiriendo amenazas y gritando “Allahu Akbar, indicó el jefe de la policía de París, Michel Cadot.

Uno de los militares disparó “cinco balas”, hiriéndolo gravemente en el vientre, precisó.

El agresor “llevaba al menos un machete y quizás otra arma” así como “dos mochilas”, que “no contenían explosivos”, agregó el prefecto.

Este incidente se produjo en el Carrusel del Louvre, la galería comercial del famoso museo de París. Unas 250 personas se encontraban confinadas en el interior del museo, según fuentes policiales.

La policía acordonó la zona e impide el paso de vehículos y peatones, según un periodista de la AFP.

“Incidente grave de seguridad pública en curso en París en el barrio del Louvre, prioridad a la intervención de las fuerzas de seguridad y de socorro”, escribió en su cuenta Twitter el ministerio del Interior francés.

Francia se encuentra en estado de alerta máxima tras una ola de atentados yihadistas que dejaron 238 muertos desde el 7 de enero de 2015.

El museo del Louvre es uno de los más frecuentados del mundo aunque el número de visitantes cayó un 20% tras los atentados.

En enero de 2015, los hermanos Said y Cherif Kouachi penetraron en la sede parisina del semanario satírico Charlie Hebdo y ejecutaron a 11 personas, entre ellas varios de sus destacados dibujantes.

Diez meses más tarde, un comando yihadista que juró lealtad al grupo Estado Islámico atacó bares, restaurantes, una sala de conciertos y el estadio nacional de París la noche del 13 de noviembre de 2015, matando a 130 personas.

En julio pasado, un extremista tunecino arremetió con un camión contra una multitud que asistía a los fuegos artificiales con motivo de la fiesta nacional del 14 de julio en Niza, en la riviera francesa, matando a 86 personas.


French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a knife after he tried to enter the Louvre museum in central Paris carrying a suitcase, police sources said. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a knife after he tried to enter the Louvre museum in central Paris carrying a suitcase, police sources said. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a knife after he tried to enter the Louvre museum in central Paris carrying a suitcase, police sources said. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a knife after he tried to enter the Louvre museum in central Paris carrying a suitcase, police sources said. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police and emergency services are seen at the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a machete and carrying two bags on his back as he tried to enter the Paris Louvre museum. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police and emergency services secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a machete and carrying two bags on his back as he tried to enter the Paris Louvre museum. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a knife after he tried to enter the Louvre museum in central Paris carrying a suitcase, police sources said. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police and firefighters are seen in front of the street entrance of the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a machete and carrying two bags on his back as he tried to enter the Paris Louvre museum. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police, soldiers and firefighters are seen in front of the street entrance of the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a machete and carrying two bags on his back as he tried to enter the Paris Louvre museum. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police and emergency services are seen in front of the street entrance of the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a machete and carrying two bags on his back as he tried to enter the Paris Louvre museum. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

French police secure the site near the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a knife after he tried to enter the Louvre museum in central Paris carrying a suitcase, police sources said. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann

A masked French policeman is seen in front of the street entrance of the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France, February 3, 2017 after a French soldier shot and wounded a man armed with a machete and carrying two bags on his back as he tried to enter the Paris Louvre museum. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann