Un Batman solidario en Argentina se gana a los niños sin revelar su identidad (FOTOS)

Un Batman solidario en Argentina se gana a los niños sin revelar su identidad (FOTOS)

Abundante fantasía, ansias de solidaridad y un pacto de anonimato inquebrantable. Un Batman argentino ha hecho del hospital de niños de La Plata un blanco de risas contra el dolor y fuente de donaciones de aquello que falta en el sector público.

Paula Bustamante / AFP
Fotos: Eitan Abramovich / AFP

“Me siento muy conectado con mi espíritu de niño y con la solidaridad. Sobre todo en una Ciudad Gótica como ésta que es Argentina”, explicó a la AFP en su ‘Baticueva’, Bruno Díaz, el enmascarado de La Plata -ciudad a 60 km al sur de Buenos Aires-, donde vive, trabaja y actúa aferrado al incógnito con el nombre de fantasía del personaje.

De pies a cabeza es Batman. Sólo revela que es docente, cumple labores administrativas de lunes a viernes, está casado y tiene tres hijos. “Aún chiquitos, cuando me ven de Batman creo que se asustan un poco”, agrega.

“Pero no puedo decir más, quiero preservar mi identidad”, dice con voz grave. Antes, su madre acomodó la capa y cada broche del traje del “hombre murciélago”.

Desde hace cuatro años, cada viernes sube raudo a su ‘batimóvil’, un Renault Fluence negro con líneas amarillas y ‘alas’. El logo del superhéroe está en neumáticos, volante, luces exteriores y posapies. “Todavía es del banco, me queda una cuota”, aclara en el garaje de la casa donde lo esconde de curiosos cual joya mágica.

Enciende el motor y suena la música de Batman Inicia (2005), la primera de la trilogía del director Christopher Nolan. “¡Santa aventura!”, diría el personaje creado en 1939 y popularizado en una serie de televisión entre 1966 y 1968.

Al ritmo de notas dramáticas acelera a 110 km/h en las estrechas calles de un barrio de clase trabajadora. Estaciona en el hospital de niños “Sor María Ludovica” de La Plata, un centro de salud pública de alta complejidad, y desciende cargado de dibujos y golosinas.

– “¡Rayos y centellas Batman!” –

El Batman solidario fue visto de civil, por primera y única vez, por dos monjas del hospital la mañana del 2 de abril de 2013, cuando pidió permiso para visitar a los enfermos.

Esa noche La Plata sufriría una catástrofe natural: un aguacero inundó la mitad de la ciudad, dejando cerca de 90 muertos, cientos de damnificados y daños millonarios.

Se estrenó en su personaje con un traje de neopreno, capa y botas de nieve.

Sin saberlo, se iniciaba en esta labor pocos años después de que un alter ego en Estados Unidos, Lenny Robinson, se hiciese popular entre los niños por también visitarlos en el hospital vestido de Batman. Murió en 2015 en un accidente en su Batimóvil.

“Son muchos motivos por qué elegí a Batman, características personales que tienen que ver con lo solidario, con creer que sin justicia nada puede funcionar bien”, explicó.

En el hospital lo reciben con risas.

“Cambia el ánimo de los chicos que están mal”, celebró Celia Quiroz, madre de Pablo Valdez, que con 7 años y un Batman en su pijama está hospitalizado por una infección que le impide caminar.

La hermana Adriana, cómplice del juego, le ajusta la capa antes de pasar a otra sala con niños más delicados.

Pone un tapabocas sobre la máscara y visita a Florencia, la hija de 16 años de Erica Agüero. Ella “medio se prende, es divertido”, afirma esta madre que, por una fibrosis quística de su pequeña, forma parte de la ‘familia’ del hospital en un área donde las enfermeras sollozan por el efecto positivo del enmascarado.

– Muchos Robin y un ‘Batiencuentro’ –

Pero ¿dónde está Robin?

“La función de Robin la cumplen un montón de personas”, anticipa. “Es un círculo íntimo de familiares y amigos que cumplen esa función de contenerme. Tengo la bendición de contar con gente muy valiosa y desinteresada”, dice.

Se persigna en la capilla del hospital antes de entrar en acción. “Tengo el poder de cambiar aunque sea por un instante esos momentos tristes”, afirma.

Dos veces al año organiza un “batiencuentro” solidario. En el último, en mayo, “juntamos para donar 25 televisiones LCD de 32 pulgadas”, contó. También sirvió para reponer termómetros y otros insumos.

¿Se sacaría la máscara para ser político? “Miento si digo que no lo he pensado”, admite. “¡Recórcholis!”, ¿Podría Batman presidir Argentina? “Por ahora éste es mi lugar y espero un día que mi hijo siga mis pasos”, cerró el ‘superhéroe’ de La Plata.


Argentine Batman, gets off his ‘batmobile’ as he arrives at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, arrives at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman, arrives at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, greets a boy in a corridor of the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, walks along a corridor at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, greets a family in a corridor of the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, walks along a corridor at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, leaves the chapel after praying at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, prays in a chapel at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, prays in a chapel at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman, makes a stop to pray in a chapel at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Sister Adriana (L) helps Argentine Batman with his cape at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman takes the elevator at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman takes the elevator at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman cheers up hospitalized children at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman cheers up hospitalized children at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Pablo Valdez (L), 7, who is hospitalized with an infection that prevents him fom walking, is cheered up by Argentine Batman at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Pablo Valdez (L), 7, who is hospitalized with an infection that prevents him fom walking, is cheered up by Argentine Batman at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman cheers up hospitalized children at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
This picture taken through a window, shows Florencia Aguero (L), a cystic fibrosis patient, playing with Argentine Batman at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman visits patients under isolation measures at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman visits patients under isolation measures at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman visits patients under isolation measures at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman visits patients under isolation measures at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman leaves the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman greets a boy as he leaves the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman leaves the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman leaves the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman poses for a picture at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman poses for a picture at the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, gets dressed in his house in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, looks at his reflexion in a mirror after leaving his house in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, looks at his reflexion in a mirror after leaving his house in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, gets into his ‘Batmobile’ at his house’s garage in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, powers his ‘Batmobile’ and heads to the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, powers his ‘Batmobile’ and heads to the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY PAULA BUSTAMANTE
Argentine Batman, powers his ‘Batmobile’ and heads to the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
Argentine Batman, powers his ‘Batmobile’ and heads to the ‘Sor Maria Ludovica’ children’s Hospital in La Plata, 60 kilometres south of Buenos Aires, on June 2, 2017.
The Argentine Batman has made La Plata children’s hospital a target of laughter and treats against pain. / AFP PHOTO / Eitan ABRAMOVICH
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