Solicitan firmar para estatus migratorio temporal de venezolanos en Estados Unidos

Solicitan firmar para estatus migratorio temporal de venezolanos en Estados Unidos

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2013-10-04 02:50:57Z | |


El grupo de abogados de Venezuelan American Bar Assosiation (Venambar) presentó una petición a página web de La Casa Blanca para solicitar el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para los venezolanos debido a que el conflicto y las crisis humanitaria les impide volver a su país de manera segura.

Nota de prensa

Venambar envió una carta al presidente Donald Trump y al Secretario del Departamento de Seguridad para pedir que Venezuela sea designada para el Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS), en virtud del párrafo 244 (b) (1) de la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad para un periodo de 18 meses. Este requerimiento permitirá a los venezolanos permanecer legalmente en Estados Unidos.

La asociación Venezuelana-Amaricana de Abogados (Venambar), destaca el caos que existe actualmente en Venezuela, la delincuencia, la escasez de alimentos y medicinas y un Gobierno no receptivo entre las razones que hacen que los venezolanos necesiten urgentemente el TPS.

Para que La Casa Blanca responda a esta petición se deben recolectar 100.000 firmas en un plazo de 30 días, por este motivo los abogados hace un llamado a la comunidad venezolana para que apoye esta iniciativa.

Puedes encontrar la carta con la petición enviada al presidente Donald Trump en:

Para firmar la petición:

Aquí el texto original:

I am sending you this email because I need your help. As you know, Venezuela has recently been described by the media as “crumbling” and “quickly descending into chaos.” A disproportionate amount of the Venezuelan population, particularly the most vulnerable and least powerful portion (children, the elderly, the sick and people living in critical poverty) are the most affected by the lack of medicine/medical treatment, food shortages, and access to basic services. Ongoing protests are being forcefully repressed, and the death-toll rises quickly. Venezuelan officials have also ignored the Venezuelan constitution, separation of powers and international treaties/conventions by seizing the legislative powers of the elected legislature, by withdrawing from the OAS and by the President of Venezuela questionably calling to redraft the Venezuelan Constitution. The new “constituent assembly” has been given sweeping powers to redraft the constitution to allow Mr Maduro to seize much more power. In short, human rights are being trampled by the Venezuelan Government and the rule of law (both national and international) is being willfully ignored.

These issues are of grave concern to Venezuelans currently in the United States as they fear returning to Venezuela. As such, the Venezuelan American National Bar Association (“Venambar”) over which I have the honor to be on the board, has started a movement requesting Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelans. A petition was filed requesting that Venezuela be designated for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) under the program available pursuant to §244(b)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, for a period of 18 months. This past Friday, right before 5:00 p.m., we sent a letter to President Donald Trump and the Secretary of Homeland Security asking them to designate or recommend that Venezuela be designated for TPS. This humanitarian request would allow eligible nationals of Venezuela (who are currently in the United States) to obtain lawful temporary U.S. immigration status, during the designated period, consistent with the immigration laws of the United States, while they are prevented from returning safely to Venezuela due to the current chaos, social unrest, violent crime, pervasive food and medicine shortage, and a non-responsive government.

You may find a copy of the letter to President Trump and the TPS Petition here:

We also created an online petition through the White House website to call on the White House to take action on this issue. In less than 72 hours, we have received over 14,000 signatures. However, we need a minimum of 100,000 signatures in 30 days to get an “official update from the White House within 60 days”. I ask you all to please sign and share this petition with all your members, friends, colleagues, etc.:

IMPORTANT: You are hereby notified that this proposal IS NOT A LAW and at this time there is NO TPS IMMIGRATION BENEFIT for Venezuelan nationals. Likewise, we inform the community that there may be individuals or companies which will offer services to request TPS benefits from the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS). However, it is important to note that no U.S. government agency has approved this proposal and that Venezuela has not yet been designated as a TPS beneficiary country. You should not pay anyone for this benefit because it is a benefit that does not yet exist.

I appreciate your cooperation and support. We hope that this temporary measure will assist many Venezuelans in the United States on a temporary basis.