El príncipe Harry y su novia acuden por primera vez a un mismo acto (fotos)

El príncipe Harry y su novia acuden por primera vez a un mismo acto (fotos)

Meghan Markle (center, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain's Prince Harry, applauds during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain’s Prince Harry, applauds during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch

El príncipe Enrique de Inglaterra inauguró el sábado los Juegos Invictus en Toronto al lado de primera dama Melania Trump y con su novia Meghan Markle algunas filas atrás, en la primera ocasión en que ambos acuden a un mismo evento público.

Durante la jornada, los fanáticos esperaron para cada una de las apariciones del miembro de la familia real británica en el marco del torneo deportivo, modelado al estilo de los Juegos Paralímpicos y reservado para los heridos y discapacitados de las guerras o conflictos armados recientes.

Fue finalmente en el recinto deportivo donde tuvo lugar la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos que la novia del príncipe, la actriz estadounidense Meghan Markle, tomó su lugar discretamente.

La hermosa morena estuvo sentada a cierta distancia del príncipe Enrique, cerca de Melania Trump y justo detrás del primer ministro canadiense Justin Trudeau, su esposa Sophie y el presidente ucraniano Petro Poroshenko.

Desde sus confidencias a la revista Vanity Fair a principios de este mes, Meghan Markle es esperada en cada lanzamiento oficial del príncipe para que se formalice su relación.

“Somos una pareja. Estamos enamorados. Estoy segura de que llegará un momento en que tendremos que presentarnos y contar nuestra historia, pero espero que la gente entienda que este es nuestro momento”, dijo esta actriz nacida en Los Angeles, de 36 años, tres más que el príncipe.

Hija de una madre afroamericana y un padre blanco, esta morena comparte su vida privada fácilmente en las redes sociales, publica sus reuniones con Justin Trudeau e incluso anunció el año pasado su preferencia por Hillary Clinton.

Los habitantes de Toronto también han tenido su curiosidad agudizada porque Meghan Markle está en casa.

La actriz compró una casa en Toronto tras su divorcio de un productor estadounidense en 2013, y por el rodaje de la serie “Suits”, de la que es una de las estrellas.

En Toronto el programa de Enrique está enteramente dedicado a las competiciones deportivas que comenzaron el sábado.

“Bienvenidos a los Juegos Invictus 2017”, dijo el príncipe, al elogiar la valentía de todos los soldados que “continúan haciendo lo que hacen mejor, servir a su país con pasión e integridad”.

“Ustedes no están aquí solo para inspirar, están para ganar”, agregó.

Enrique indicó además que estos Juegos “no sólo ayudan a los veteranos a recuperarse de sus heridas físicas y mentales, sino también para inspirar a la gente a seguir su ejemplo de resiliencia, optimismo y servicio en sus propias vidas”.

Después de servir dos veces en Afganistán, el nieto de la Reina Isabel II asistió por su fama al lanzamiento de los Juegos Invictus, cuya primera edición tuvo lugar en septiembre de 2014 en Londres.

Segundo hijo del príncipe Carlos y la fallecida princesa Diana, Enrique es el quinto en la línea de sucesión al trono.


Fotos Reuters

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (first row, L) and his wife Maryna Poroshenko, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (first row, R) and his wife Sophie-Gregoire Trudeau, U.S. first lady Melania Trump (second row, L) and Britain's Prince Harry (second row, second from L), Governor General of Canada David Johnston (second row, second from R) and his wife Sharon Johnston (obscured) applaud during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (first row, L) and his wife Maryna Poroshenko, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (first row, R) and his wife Sophie-Gregoire Trudeau, U.S. first lady Melania Trump (second row, L) and Britain’s Prince Harry (second row, second from L), Governor General of Canada David Johnston (second row, second from R) and his wife Sharon Johnston (obscured) applaud during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (first row, L) and his wife Maryna Poroshenko, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (first row, R) and his wife Sophie-Gregoire Trudeau, U.S. first lady Melania Trump (second row, L) and Britain's Prince Harry (second row, second from L), Governor General of Canada David Johnston (second row, second from R) and his wife Sharon Johnston applaud during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch     TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (first row, L) and his wife Maryna Poroshenko, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (first row, R) and his wife Sophie-Gregoire Trudeau, U.S. first lady Melania Trump (second row, L) and Britain’s Prince Harry (second row, second from L), Governor General of Canada David Johnston (second row, second from R) and his wife Sharon Johnston applaud during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Meghan Markle (center, right, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain's Prince Harry, watches the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, right, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain’s Prince Harry, watches the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain's Prince Harry, watches the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain’s Prince Harry, watches the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Britain's Prince Harry speaks during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Britain’s Prince Harry speaks during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Britain's Prince Harry speaks during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Britain’s Prince Harry speaks during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain's Prince Harry, reacts as Prince Harry (not shown) addresses the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain’s Prince Harry, reacts as Prince Harry (not shown) addresses the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Britain's Prince Harry joins Captain Trevor Greene, a Canadian Forces former officer who suffered a wartime head injury in Afghanistan, and his family onstage during the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Britain’s Prince Harry joins Captain Trevor Greene, a Canadian Forces former officer who suffered a wartime head injury in Afghanistan, and his family onstage during the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain's Prince Harry, applauds as Prince Harry (not shown) addresses the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing dark red), girlfriend of Britain’s Prince Harry, applauds as Prince Harry (not shown) addresses the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing maroon), girlfriend of Britain's Prince Harry, reacts as Prince Harry (not shown) addresses the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 23, 2017.    . REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Meghan Markle (center, R, wearing maroon), girlfriend of Britain’s Prince Harry, reacts as Prince Harry (not shown) addresses the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Ontario, Canada September 23, 2017. . REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (first row, L) and his wife Maryna Poroshenko, U.S. first lady Melania Trump (second row, L) and Britain's Prince Harry (second row, second from L), attend during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (first row, L) and his wife Maryna Poroshenko, U.S. first lady Melania Trump (second row, L) and Britain’s Prince Harry (second row, second from L), attend during the opening ceremony for the Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Blinch