Woman among three venezuelans killed, set on fire

Woman among three venezuelans killed, set on fire

The house where three persons perished in a fire on Tuesday at Freedom Place Upper Fine Road, Dibe, St James.


Police suspect that one of three people who perished in a fire at St James early Tuesday was a woman.

By Trinidad Express 

They were told by residents near the house that burnt at Freedom Place Upper Fine Road, Dibe, that several Venezuelan nationals had recently taken up residence there.

The three victims were found in the same room of the house that police and fire officers suspect was set on fire around 2 a.m.

Residents reported hearing gunfire, then saw flames coming from the house.

When the fire were extinguished the three bodies were found burnt beyond recognition.

Police and Homicide detectives were called in, and are seeking the identities of the victims and a motive for the crime.

Police officers at the scene where three persons perished in a fire on Tuesday, at a house in Freedom Place Upper Fine Road, Dibe, St James.
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