The Legitimate Government thanks Brazil for the approval of the process of regularization for Venezuelan migrants and refugees

The Legitimate Government thanks Brazil for the approval of the process of regularization for Venezuelan migrants and refugees


The Presidential Commissioner for Foreign Relations, Julio Borges, announced that his office sent a diplomatic note to the Brazilian government to thank it for the approval of the Process of Regularization for Venezuelan migrants and refugees.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Jun 28, 2021

“With this decision, all those Venezuelans who entered after the border was closed on March 18th, 2020, will be able to obtain their documentation, regularize their immigration status and integrate socially and economically into Brazil,” Mr. Borges said in a message posted on his social network account.

The highest diplomatic representative of the Legitimate Government also stressed that this great decision is also the result of the work of the Venezuelan Ambassador in Brazil, María Teresa Belandria and her entire team.

“Our appreciation for the excellent work they have done on behalf of our fellow nationals,” he concluded.

Below is the full statement:

Presidential Commission for Foreign Relations of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela thanks the Government of Brazil for the approval of the process of regularization of Venezuelan migrants and refugees.

From the Presidential Commission for Foreign Relations of Venezuela, we thank the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil for the approval of the process of regularization of Venezuelan migrants and refugees that was published in the gazette 655 of June 23rd, 2021.

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – The Legitimate Government thanks Brazil for the approval of the process of regularization for Venezuelan migrants and refugees

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