President Guaidó on UN Mission Report: “It Reiterates the need for justice in Venezuela”

President Guaidó on UN Mission Report: “It Reiterates the need for justice in Venezuela”

Photo: Centro de Comunicación Nacional


The President in Charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, assured that the new report from the UN Human Rights Commission reiterated the need for justice in Venezuela.

By Centro de Comunicación Nacional

Sep 16, 2021

The national president assured that justice will stop the abuses that are described in the report of the UN’s Fact Finding Mission and will prevent them from ever being repeated.

“Today we do not have justice, to recover justice is to have peace and certainties in the present and future,” he said.

This Tuesday, the United Nations Independent International Fact-Finding Mission published a new report on Venezuela, demanding that the Venezuelan State hold accountable those responsible for extrajudicial executions, forced disappearances, arbitrary detentions and torture, and so prevent that new acts of this nature occur.

Read More: Centro de Comunicación Nacional – President Guaidó on UN Mission Report: “It Reiterates the need for justice in Venezuela”

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