For nine years, the inhabitants of the ‘El Ujano’ macro-sector of Barquisimeto have been demanding that the Venezuelan Government and regional authorities replace the mains pipe that runs through the community near the ‘La Segoviana’ substation. It is broken and this has forced them to live with a perennial pool of spilled drinking water.
lapatilla.com correspondent
This problem has been repeatedly denounced. Eligio Medina explains that in 2022, Nicolás Maduro had approved the resources for the replacement of the mains pipe, but they are still waiting.
He also denounces that while a large amount of water is wasted in the street, the community’s homes do not receive water service regularly, which is why they must buy water to tanker trucks, and this costs from 5 U.S. dollars and up.
To resolve this situation, they require 1,800 meters of 16-inch pipe, which they managed to obtain through the 1×10 “good government” plan, but these moneys do not appear, which shows the lack of interest on the part of the regional government, the mayor’s office of the Iribarren Municipality and Hidrolara (Government run utility company).
Given this, they make a new call to all authorities to definitively solve this problem that is almost 10 years old.