The opposition future government’s manifesto “Venezuela Tierra de Gracia” was presented to the university community in Carabobo State

The opposition future government’s manifesto “Venezuela Tierra de Gracia” was presented to the university community in Carabobo State


This Monday the Regional University Command of the campaign of the opposition’s presidential candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, together with specialists from the Grand National Alliance (GANA), presented the government manifesto “Venezuela Tierra de Gracia” to the university community of Carabobo. correspondent

The professor coordinator of the Regional University Command, Luis Enrique Vizcaya, indicated that during the event held in Valencia, the specialists detailed each of the areas in which work must be done to transform the country, where human and natural resources are to be used to become a prosperous nation. He pointed out that the government plan includes short, medium and long-term programs to achieve its objectives.

He informed that the training of instructors and promoters of this government program has begun, and these will be in charge of transmitting the information to each and every community, association and union.

“As of today, the University Command declares itself to be a disseminator of this national program to confront the crisis and to achieve a prosperous, free, innovative country, with education, with healthcare, with job opportunities. In short, a country for greatness and not for misery as we are today,” said Vizcaya.

Three fundamental pillars

For her part, the coordinator of the Grand National Alliance in Carabobo, Albany Colmenares, highlighted that the government plan “Venezuela Tierra de Gracia” prioritizes areas such as health, education, social mobility, national security, among others.

She pointed out that three fundamental pillars stand out. “First of all, the freedom of the individual for its development. Secondly, the State at the service of the citizens, understanding that we are going to turn it into a smaller, but robust State for the defense of democracy. And thirdly, the free market economy,” she explained.

Angélica Flores, coordinator of citizen associations of Carabobo, pointed out that the failures and weaknesses that each sector presents in the parishes and municipalities were detected in order to subsequently develop the approach plan with concrete proposals to solve these problems.

“We have specialists in each of the areas. Now we have the University Command, where specialists will contribute to research and work on each of these recovery proposals,” said Flores.

Ulises Rojas, general coordinator of the University Command in Carabobo, made up of professors, employees, workers and students from public and private institutions, mentioned that they have taken on the task of planning activities to disseminate the government program, as well as promoting the vote.

“We are also going to provide all our collaboration in spreading the message of González Urrutia and this government program to the communities, where we can reach using the figure of the ‘Comanditos’ and the network that is being formed with them,” said Rojas.