Relatives are required to supply a “Blue uniform” that must be worn by the Venezuelan detainees who were transferred from Barinas to Tocorón

Relatives are required to supply a “Blue uniform” that must be worn by the Venezuelan detainees who were transferred from Barinas to Tocorón

The blue shirt and pants, with and elastic at the waist and no laces, are the specifications given at the Aragua Penitentiary Center, known as the Tocorón prison, to the relatives of the new inmates, Venezuelan political prisoners who were transferred from Barinas, after the peaceful post-election protests.


“They demanded a uniform, and we have to supply it,” said the father of a detainee, last Sunday afternoon, when he was leaving a mass in a Catholic church in Barinas State in western Venezuela.

The son of this man was charged with terrorism and other crimes that he claims “he did not commit.” He was taken from his home, leaving his partner and three children in limbo.

The family is keeping quiet about the case and prefers not to give their name, because they do not know if that will further harm the young man who was arrested, but where they live they are well known as musicians, parishioners and collaborators with the Catholic Church.

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