This weekend a video went viral on TikTok, in it a Bolivarian National Police (PNB) officer is seen suffocating a handcuffed man with a plastic bag.
The incident was recorded at the Bolivarian National Police Command, located in Tucupita, capital of Delta Amacuro State in eastern Venezuela.
For this reason, commissioners Wilfredo Zamora and William José Farias, and officers Daniel Jesús Zorrilla Chacón and Juan Carlos Olivares Guzmán are under investigation.
A police source with knowledge of the case assures that “the kids indicated that they did it on the instructions of these two commissioners.”
Likewise, the police report states that Juan Olivares is the officer who appears in the video applying torture to the detainee, under instructions from William Farías and in the presence of Wilfredo Zamora.
On the other hand, Juan Olivares was in charge of recording the events on instructions from Farías, according to what they said.
The investigation was handled by the Seventh Prosecutor’s Office with jurisdiction over the Execution of Sentences and the Protection of Fundamental Rights of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.